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5 Dimensions of Data


5 Dimensions of Data

In the blog, : Primacy of Data,” I discussed the supreme importance of data. Data is the most important technology class, as important as energy, machines, materials, and biotechnology combined. Key to the power of data is that major data inventions build on each other, unlike inventions of other technology classes. The 5 dimensions of data grow in logarithmic power with each dimension. The result is the acceleration of technology over time.

1. Oral or Spoken Data

Oral or spoken language defines the ORAL ERA and the TOKENS ERA from 250,000 BCE – 3500 BCE. The 2 eras comprise prehistory and 97% of human existence yet only 6.4% of 2000 human inventions. The invention of fire is the most important invention of the eras. The domestication of plants and animals began with the Tokens Era in 10,000 BCE. Spoken, oral language relies on oral methods to transmit data which is slow, inefficient, and unreliable. If death occurs before the data transfers to the next generation, information loss occurs.

2. (Hand) Written Data

The invention of hand written language defines the WRITTEN ERA, the ALPHABET ERA, and the NUMBERS ERA from 3500 BCE-1450 AD. The three eras comprise 2% of human existence. In 3500 BCE in Sumerians from Mesopotamia invented cuneiform writing on clay tablets. History and civilizations began with the invention of hand written language. The Sumerians also invented the plow, the wood hulled oared sailboat, bronze smelting, cities, and the wheel/axle in what I call the Big Bang of Technology (3500 BCE). Within 300 years, 6 civilizations developed creating an explosions of technology and civilization.

3. Mechanical Print Data

The PRINT ERA from 1450-1837 is defined by the invention of the mechanical printing press on paper with movable type. Although invented in China, the printing press never took hold there probably due to the inefficiencies of the large numbers of characters in the Chinese language (20,000) compared to the few characters needed for alphabetic languages of Europe (less than 100). With the invention of mechanized language, data transmitted faster, cheaper, and more accurately. Further, the printing press led to acceleration of the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment.

The continuous expansion of data and inventions since 1450 and the printing press is the Big Surge of Technology.

Since 1450, 570 years have passed or 0.22% of human existence creating 1653/2000 inventions (83%). More than 4/5 of the 2000 greatest inventions of all time originated in the Big Surge of Technology. The failure to widely adopt the printing press in China and Islamic countries may partly explain the stagnation of technology there since 1450.

4. Electronic Data

The WIRED ERA and WIRELESS ERA from 1837-1989 is defined by the evolution of electronic language from the telegraph, to the telephone, radio, television and to computers. Electronic data transmits across great distances almost instantaneously. Initially, wires transmit the data but later, radio wave technology allowed the transmission of electronic data without wires to millions of people simultaneously. Mass communication began first with just sound in radio, then later with pictures and sound in television. Next, computers allowed the storage and analysis of large amounts of electronic data.

5. Hypertext Data

The INTERNET ERA from 1989-present is defined by the electronic data interconnected with other data in the form of hypertext. Hypertext is a software system where electronic topics link on a computer screen to other data accessed typically by a point and click method. Hypertext access is with touch screen or computer mouse. Almost all documents interconnect by hypertext links. Hypertext enhances data integration and access.

With each of the 5 dimensions of data we see several important things:

  • data volume grows logarithmic ally with each new dimension
  • data growth occurs on top of the previous dimension, that is, the new dimension integrates with all previous dimensions
  • not only volume, but the speed of data increases with each dimension
  • the cost of data storage decreases with each dimension despite the growth of data
  • the density of data grows with each dimension

Why study of the 5 dimensions of data?

We know from my technology equation blog that: INVENTIONS = POPULATION X (TIME)2.

Importantly, the 5 dimensions of data explain the exponential growth of technology. Data is increasing exponentially not just by volume and density but by speed of access. The logarithmic growth of data increases with each of the 5 dimensions of data. Explosions and surges of inventions and data are important events which define the history of technology. In summary, data is links us to technology.